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Full Forms of All Indian Banks | भारतीय बैंकों के नाम की फुल फॉर्म

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दोस्तों, आज हम बात करने वाले हैं भारतीय बैंकों के नाम की फुल फॉर्म Full Forms of All Indian Banks के बारे में

भारतीय बैंकों के नाम की फुल फॉर्म Full Forms of All Indian Banks

No.Short Name Full Form
1SBI State Bank of India
2RBI Reserve Bank of India
3BOB Bank of Baroda
4ADB Asian Development Bank
5ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
6HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation
7HSBC Export-Import(Bank of India)
8UCO United Commercial Bank
9PNB Punjab National Bank
10IDBI Industrial Development Bank of India
11BOI Bank of India
12IOB Indian Overseas Bank
13CCB Central Co-operative Bank
14UBI United Bank of India
15UBI Union Bank of India
16ECS Electronic Clearing Service
17OBC Oriental Bank of Commerce
18IRDA Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
19SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
20SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India
21BOM Bank Of Maharashtra
22UCB Urban Cooperative bank
23NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
24KMB Kotak Mahindra Bank
25DCB Development Credit Bank
26RRB Regional Rural Bank
27IVB ING Vysya Bank
28PSB Punjab & Sind Bank
29SVC Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank
30BMB Bharatiya Mahila Bank
31BOR Bank of Rajasthan
32CUB City Union Bank
33CSB Catholic Syrian Bank
34KVB Karur Vysya Bank
35LVB Lakshmi Vilas Bank
36SIB South Indian Bank
37TMB Tamilnad Mercantile Bank
38EXIM Export Import(Bank of India)
39DB Dena Bank
40IIBI Industrial Investment Bank of India
41NHB National Housing Bank
42AB Allahabad Bank
43AB Andhra Bank
44CB Canara Bank
45CBI Central Bank of India
46CB Corporation Bank
47IB Indian Bank
48VB Vijaya Bank
49JKB Jammu & Kashmir Bank
50SCB Standard Chartered Bank
51SDS Special Deposit Scheme
52ECD European Central Bank
53IPPB India Post Payments Bank
54ABPB Aditya Birla Payments Bank
55PPB Paytm Payments Bank
56APB Airtel Payments Bank
57JPB Jio Payments Bank
58PBGB Paschim Banga Gramin Bank
59BGVB Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank
60IBA Indian Banks’ Association
61EMI Equated Monthly Installment
62LBD Land Development Bank
63FRB Federal Reserve Banks
64IDFC Infrastructure Development Finance Company
65ECB External Commercial Borrowing
66EMI Equated monthly installments
67UOB United Overseas Bank
68BIS Bank for International Settlement
69IFSC Indian Financial System Code
70NAB National Australia Bank
71ICBC Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
72DBS Development Bank of Singapore
73RBC  Royal Bank of Canada
74ADCB Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
75MICB Mega International Commercial Bank
76NEFT National Electronic Funds Transfer
77DCCB District Central Co-operative Bank
78OSCB Odisha State Co-operative Bank
79RTGS Real-Time Gross Settlement
80RBL Ratnakar Bank Limited
81BFSIBanking, financial services and insurance

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